Unban Appeal

Name: [FC&N] JJespano01

SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kekmemes4life/

Reason you were banned: I was banned for placing thrusters on the back of a railcar and I crashed the server. Read the message below this for a full explanation on my side of the story.

Person who banned you: NGxDeath

Witnesses: Did not say in ban message.

Why do you think you were unjustly banned?: I wasn't.

Were you misbehaving?: Yes.

If you were misbehaving are you willing to change your future actions?: Yes I will.

Hi. I was banned from Blue Arrow for Crashing the server. It was an accident.. I was testing thrusters. I accidentally activated them when I forgot that my bind key to activate them was set for W. So when I moved forward to look at my friend's locomotive, it activated the thrusters and crashed the server. I apologise to anyone who was playing that fateful night and I don''t know how I can repay you but, I give you my sympathy and hope for forgiveness from the admins. I really like BA. My friends play on it all the time now and I really want to come back. Please unban me. I was banned permanently. Pleaseu unban me. -JJespano01
